A friend lives next door to a blueberry farmer. He started the farm a few years ago, and I got really spoiled having access to fresh, huge, sweet blueberries for $5 a pound. After two years of home ...
Blueberry Banana Smoothie
Grayson is on a frozen blueberry kick these days. It's his dessert of choice. Yep. Frozen blueberries. In a bowl. Which he eats with his fingers. His messy, purple stained fingers. But, it's a ...
Junior League Blueberry Yogurt Muffins
"That's so Junior League."My sister and her friends say that as kind of joking insult. As in, "that's so snobby." Because you know those Junior League ladies - they wear their pearls and gloves, ...
Skinny Raspberry Rum Spritzer
I had a long day in the ICU today. I performed CPR, attended rounds, worked with a fellow student to examine and write up two patients, and dealt with a second-year resident who (I think anyway) ...
Berry Oatmeal Bars
This summer I am embarking on a road trip with my parents and my three boys, all in one car, from Florida to Mississippi. There will definitely be some crying, some whining, some temper tantrums, and ...
Honey Balsamic Strawberry Shortcake
Today is my mom's birthday, and I made her favorite dessert, strawberry shortcake. Strawberry season has come and gone in Florida, and all we can get in the store now are California strawberries. I ...
Chocolate Cranberry Cheerios Treats
I was laid off last year (I'll tell you more about that another time) and have been lucky to be a stay at home mom (AKA UNEMPLOYED) for the past 13 months. The time I've gotten to spend with my ...
Double Chocolate Banana Blueberry Muffins
It's blueberry season right now in Southwest Florida. My friend lives next door to an organic blueberry farmer who grows the biggest, sweetest blueberries I've ever eaten. We got a 5-lb bag on Friday, ...
Tropical Fruit Smoothie
I'm taking the boys to Portland, Ore to see my sister and brother-in-law. I'm starting graduate school next month and know we won't be traveling much for the next two years, so I'm trying to squeeze ...
Strawberry Oatmeal Muffins
As Heather mentioned last week, it's strawberry season here in Florida, so they are plentiful (and cheap) in the stores. When they hit 3 pounds for $5 last week, I got three and then found myself ...