So, it's been more than a year since I promised my husband we would eat more fish. We now eat fish at least once every two weeks, more like once a week, but I'm trying to be realistic since some weeks ...
last-minute meals
One Pot Dinners
We have hit summer here in Southwest Florida, even if the calendar doesn't quite reflect it yet. I know this because the boys are heading into their third (!) week out of school, it's hitting 90 ...
Simple Roasted Broccoli
I spent most of May sick. Like three doctor's visits, two ER trips, and a hospital stay sick. To make a long story short, if your doctor says that you have pneumonia and need to stay in bed for the ...
Orange Teriyaki Chicken Skewers
Since we supposedly live in paradise here in southwest Florida (otherwise known as the land of extremely large and scary insects - seriously!), I wanted to make something tropical for dinner. I'd ...
Ten Snacks for Summer Camp, Grad School, or the Office
One week from today I start Physician Assistant (PA) School. I'm really excited, a little bit scared, and very much in preparation mode for this new adventure. In other words ... I can't wait! Wait! ...
Barley Risotto with Ham, Carrots and Red Bell Peppers
The other night I went for a late evening run. I returned home sweaty and satisfied that I'd made it four miles without tripping in the dark or even stopping to walk. My husband was laying down with ...
Tropical Fruit Smoothie
I'm taking the boys to Portland, Ore to see my sister and brother-in-law. I'm starting graduate school next month and know we won't be traveling much for the next two years, so I'm trying to squeeze ...
Madras Lentil Tacos
My husband was out of town for business last week, so the boys and I had a couple of super casual meals while he was gone. One night we had McDonald's (gasp! I know, I know, but really, it's their ...
Curried Butternut Squash and Pear Soup
This roasted butternut squash soup is a sophisticated substitute for tomato soup. The pears bring a special sweetness and I love the Jamaican curry. Roasting everything on one sheet pan limits the ...
Berry Spinach Salad with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette
It's late winter, which means it's strawberry season here in Southwest Florida. We've been feasting on beautiful, sweet, strawberries for a few weeks now. I wish I could share the aroma with you. ...