A few weeks ago, I made these quinoa cakes for dinner. Now, I never intentionally prepare foods that I think my picky 5-year-old won’t like, but I try not to only prepare things I know he likes either. I try to push him a bit. So, I was pleasantly surprised when he announced that he didn’t just like the quinoa cakes; he loved them! This is the highest honor he can bestow on a dish, so I knew I’d be making more quinoa (the men in Heather’s house all hate it; go figure). It’s high in protein (and gluten-free if that’s important for you), so I’m happy to work it into our diet. Last week I made these quinoa-based veggie burgers and they were a hit, too.
What a great way to use quinoa. Quinoa is new to me, just started using it this winter, and so far, have been using it in salads. I've wanted to try it in other ways, and this looks very interesting. My family had no aversion to bell peppers, although I have one to peas, so might try by subbing one for the other. Thanks for the inspiration.