I usually make a standing rib roast for Christmas dinner. This year I wasn't feeling well, so we had leftover ham. So, we had the standing rib roast the other day. It wasn't Christmas dinner, but it ...
Ham Risotto with Snow Peas
It's the day after Christmas and our fridge is still full of food. I love to cook for the holidays, so we traditionally have ham or shrimp on Christmas Eve and a standing rib roast on Christmas Day. ...
Butternut Squash Chicken and Barley
Under Pressure.Just like that classic Queen song featuring David Bowie, I often feel under pressure. Pressure to be a good mom, a good wife, keep a clean house, make healthy fabulous food, do a great ...
Grown-up Cheeseburger Mac
I often write on this blog about what great, adventurous eaters my boys are. They love veggies, fish, lamb chops - all sorts of things that most kids aren't willing to try. But, they're regular kids ...
Rotisserie Chicken Saves Dinner
Before we start talking about dinner, I want to point out that little orange "Yum" button at the top of each post. Clicking that button for a particular post will save the recipe to Yummly, which is a ...
Lamb Chops in Balsamic Reduction Glaze
I've posted more than one fish recipe on this fledgling blog. So, lest you all think I'm becoming a pescatarian, I wanted to share a recipe for some red meat. Yes, I've read the news that red ...
Mahi Mahi with Pears, Kiwi and Peppers
So, it's been more than a year since I promised my husband we would eat more fish. We now eat fish at least once every two weeks, more like once a week, but I'm trying to be realistic since some weeks ...
Pulled Pork
Being five, my son Gabriel loves to talk about butts. Actually both of my boys find body parts hilarious, but since Grayson is only two I think he gets more pleasure from mimicking his older brother ...
One Pot Dinners
We have hit summer here in Southwest Florida, even if the calendar doesn't quite reflect it yet. I know this because the boys are heading into their third (!) week out of school, it's hitting 90 ...
Simple Roasted Broccoli
I spent most of May sick. Like three doctor's visits, two ER trips, and a hospital stay sick. To make a long story short, if your doctor says that you have pneumonia and need to stay in bed for the ...