This Whole30 breakfast is an easy upgrade to classic bacon and eggs. I don't love eggs. I mean, they're OK when fried over-medium and seasoned with salt and pepper. I also like scrambled, with ...
Apple Pie Smoothie
It's Fall, which means the weather here is starting to get marginally cooler. The other day it was only 88 degrees at 3 p.m., which seemed rather comfortable compared to our usual 93 degrees. Not time ...
Pumpkin Butter Bananas
My friend and I took a trip to Trader Joe's yesterday. Overall I was pretty good. I didn't get any wine, or ice cream, or yummy frozen appetizers. I got apples, some fancy cheese, lentils, and ...
Blueberry Banana Smoothie
Grayson is on a frozen blueberry kick these days. It's his dessert of choice. Yep. Frozen blueberries. In a bowl. Which he eats with his fingers. His messy, purple stained fingers. But, it's a ...
Green Peach Smoothie
Milkshakes in the morning. What a great way to start the day. What's that? You frown on ice cream treats for breakfast? Yeah, me too. If only, right?So, how about a smoothie instead? It's almost a ...
Junior League Blueberry Yogurt Muffins
"That's so Junior League."My sister and her friends say that as kind of joking insult. As in, "that's so snobby." Because you know those Junior League ladies - they wear their pearls and gloves, ...
Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
I have to be at the hospital every day at 6 a.m. 6 A.M. That's right - 6 a.m. Which means I get up at 4:45 a.m. to get there on time looking halfway decent. One time I got up at 5:17 a.m. I didn't ...
Apple Sausage Quiche
So, I'm finally done with the didactic portion of PA school, meaning I'm not stuck in class 8 a.m. to 5 p.m five days a week. I'm on rotations now, which is so different from classwork and a lot of ...
Berry Oatmeal Bars
This summer I am embarking on a road trip with my parents and my three boys, all in one car, from Florida to Mississippi. There will definitely be some crying, some whining, some temper tantrums, and ...
Cherry Chocolate Breakfast Cookies
So, I'm officially in graduate school now, locked in a classroom for up to eight hours a day. Not only are we required to be there, we're required to pay attention and actually learn what they're ...